
Wrecked Ferrari Recycled Into Coffee Table

Ever since I was a little kid it's been my dream to own a Ferrari. To me they are the most beautiful machines in the world which is why it's so painful any time I come across a picture or video of a Ferrari that has been completely wrecked and totaled. How would you react if you wrecked a $190,000 Ferrari? Would you cry? Would you jump off the nearest bridge? Most people would probably just call their insurance company. But if you're artist Charly Molinelli, then you turn that depressing hunk of mangled steel and carbon fiber into the most expensive and incredible coffee table in the world!

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Molinelli is a French artist who was commissioned by a Ferrari enthusiast to create the piece. Contrary to what you might guess, the Ferrari enthusiast is NOT the person who totaled the car itself but it was his idea to turn a wrecked exotic into a coffee table. He also provided Molinelli with the $13,500 that was needed to purchase the car from a junk yard and mold it into art. So is this the most expensive and and amazing coffee table you've seen? What would you do if one of your guests didn't use a coaster when they came over to watch the big game?


Valentine Belue

Update: 2024-06-03